All Martial Arts styles must evolve and grow. Our Freestyle Karate incorporates techniques from many different Karate Styles to create something that is constantly updating. We've done away with having a set of memorized katas required for belt ranks and determine belt ranks solely on performance in two different kinds of sparring. We use Point Karate to develop our students speed and timing. We also use Karate Combat rules which allows takedowns and strikes on the ground to help make our students well rounded and prepared for grappling exchanges. 
We offer an alternative to traditional karate affiliation. Membership of the community is open for anyone (both individuals and academies), and the main requirement to join is to spread—and agree with—our message. The members don’t represent a specific person, academy, instructor or lineage. They are merely a world-wide community of people, who share a common set of values:

Our Message: 

We don’t pay each other any affiliation fees

We are free to represent any (or no) team in competition

Sparring should be the main focus of training, if you don't spar regularly you can't join. (In atleast two of three rulesets: Point Karate, Karate Combat, MMA)

We encourage training with anyone regardless of affiliation

We are willing to promote anyone who deserves it—members or not

We arrange camps, seminars and visit each other for training and fun

We believe everyone is equal both on and off the mats

We strive to enjoy life, people and the world through Karate. 

If you are interested in joining as a member or as a school please shoot us a message.


Leader Martial Arts 

Modern Freestyle Combat Karate, 
Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 
Classes for Kids and Adults. 

211 South Hopkins Ave. 
Titusville, Fl. 32796.
(James) 321-704-0938
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